Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ministry Fest 2014

Next weekend is our big Ministry Fest for the parish.  It's a chance to grow closer as a community and figure out some ways to use our gifts & talents to benefit both the Little Flower community and outside the parish walls.  It should be a fun weekend! We have about 23 tables for ministry opportunities-wow! Did you know we had so much going on?  There will be face painting, door prizes, and lots of sweet treats & popcorn to enjoy while you're walking around.  

We could surely use some extra treats to have for each mass.  If you'd be willing to bake a dozen or more desserts, would you either contact me or simply drop it off at the parish by 5pm on Sat?  

Our Young Families group will have a table at the fest.  It will be another chance to meet other interested families.  It has been wonderful to see our group grow rapidly these past couple months. If you are currently in the group, we'd like to invite you to join our table after one of the masses to meet and greet anyone who comes to our table.  The more, the merrier!  :)

In hope,
