Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pizza Making

On Sunday April 13, a large group of us went to Toscano's Pizza and Pasta.  The owners, Mike and Theresa (who are Little Flower parishioners) graciously invited our children to experience pizza-making.  Each child made a small pizza, with toppings of their choice.  The adults enjoyed delicious food and socializing.  The kids also had fun drawing on the paper tablecloths.

Some photos of our afternoon:

  Huge thanks to Mike and Theresa!  Everyone had a great time.  If you've never been to Toscano's, we highly recommend it!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Upcoming events!

Yesterday after 9:30 Mass, several of us were able to finalize some dates for upcoming events.  They are:

Saturday, April 12: 10:00 AM.  This is the parish Easter Egg Hunt, for kids ages 2 to 3rd grade.  Vicki Schwab is coordinating it.  If you plan on going, please RSVP to her, so she can have enough eggs and refreshments ready. Her contact information is on the parish website if you don't have it. 

Sunday, April 13, 2:00 PM:  Pizza-making for the kids at Toscano's.  This will be a fun family event.  Please meet at 2:00 at Toscano's, which is at 1724 North Ironwood in South Bend.  This is close to the intersection of Ironwood and SR23, just north of Nick's Patio.

Friday, May 9, 7:00 PM:  This is the parish Trivia Night.  Very fun event!  Our group will be organizing into as many teams as necessary.  Cost is $80 per team, which will work out to approximately $10 per person (possibly a little more if we don't have exactly 8 people per team).  If you would like to be on a team from our group, please email me at kshafier at gmail dot com. The registration deadline is May 4, but I would like to have our teams finalized well before that date, so please let me know as soon as you can. 

Saturday, May 10, 6:00 PM.  Adults-only Date Night at Elia's Mediterranean Cuisine.  This restaurant is located at 2128 South Bend Avenue.  We tried to coordinate group child care but it just was not working out, so please arrange your own child care.

In Christ,

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Soup supper this Friday night!

This Friday night, it is our group's turn to host the weekly Lenten Soup Supper.  We are off to a great start with volunteers and only need a couple more people to bring soup.  If you can help out, please let either me or Jen know!

Whether you bring soup or not, this is a great opportunity for prayer, fellowship, and family time.  I've really enjoyed spending time with everyone, and the kids are all having a good time together and really becoming friends.  Please join us for Stations of the Cross at 5:30, soup at 6:00, and Father Robert Barron's Catholicism video series at 6:30.  Everyone is welcome for all or any part of these activities.  The Catholicism videos are excellent.  They are not boring or dry at all.  Father Barron does a great job bringing Catholicism to life, and the photography and architecture involved are simply gorgeous.  

Hope to see everyone this Friday!

In Christ,