Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Soup supper this Friday night!

This Friday night, it is our group's turn to host the weekly Lenten Soup Supper.  We are off to a great start with volunteers and only need a couple more people to bring soup.  If you can help out, please let either me or Jen know!

Whether you bring soup or not, this is a great opportunity for prayer, fellowship, and family time.  I've really enjoyed spending time with everyone, and the kids are all having a good time together and really becoming friends.  Please join us for Stations of the Cross at 5:30, soup at 6:00, and Father Robert Barron's Catholicism video series at 6:30.  Everyone is welcome for all or any part of these activities.  The Catholicism videos are excellent.  They are not boring or dry at all.  Father Barron does a great job bringing Catholicism to life, and the photography and architecture involved are simply gorgeous.  

Hope to see everyone this Friday!

In Christ,


  1. I am bringing Beach Bar Soup. See you there.

  2. I definitely have noticed that the kids are getting to know each other better each week! It's been fun and a great way to not have to cook each Friday during Lent. Must it be coming to an end?? :)

  3. Totally agree Jen! I think we need to continue some version of get-togethers going forward....maybe not every Friday night, maybe once a month or something.
    Beach Bar soup sounds really interesting Kevin! :)
